Our simple-to-follow Signature Program will guide you every step of the way, from designing a strategy to writing your documents and preparing for interviews!
The program was developed for candidates applying for the EB2-NIW visa, for university programs and employment opportunities in the United States.
Want an overview first? Click below to check it out:
Did you know that if you have good knowledge of English or have a capable translator working with you you can create powerful application documents yourself?

See what Isabele de Castro's experience was with the Recommendation Letters Portofolio course.
These six courses will:
1. Guide you through the development of a strategy to reach your particular goals in the United States, including clear steps to get you there.
2. Introduce you to the pillars of American culture, especially the cultural values that make a candidate be respected and valued by those who stand between you and the opportunity you want.
3. Give you step-by-step guidance on how to prepare documents that show you and your accomplishments in the best light possible for the audience you need to impress.
4. Prepare you for the interviews you can expect after completing applications with high-quality documents.
2025 Julia Kirst - All Rights Reserved
Anete Lusina (Airport), Ali Morshedlou (Man in Tie), Verne Ito (High-rise), Sigmund (woman laughing), Dayso (Chairs in Contact page). (Please claim the NYC bridge photo if yours.)